First, Let's understand what is Access Control List (ACL) in ServiceNow?
Access Control Lists are the process by which ServiceNow provides granular security for its data and can be applied to individual records, as well as fields within those records. Rules for access control lists (ACLs) restrict access to data by requiring users to pass a set of requirements before they can interact with it.
All access control list rules specify:
1.> The object and operation being secured
2.>The permissions required to access the object
There are some important ACL record operation types -
create : Enables users to insert new records (rows) into a table.
read : Enables users to display records from a table.
write : Enables users to update records in a table.
delete : Enables users to remove records from a table or drop a table.
edit_task_relations : Enables users to extend the Task [task] table.
edit_ci_relations : Enables users to extend the Configuration Item [cmdb_ci] table.
save_as_template : Enables users to save a record as a template.
add_to_list : Prevents users from viewing or personalizing specific columns in the list mechanic. Note: Conditions and scripts are not supported.
list_edit : Enables users to update records (rows) from a list.
report_on : Enables users to report on tables. This operation is also valid for field ACL rules.
Use case Implementation (Real time scenario) -
UseCase - Logged in User should be part of group “ACME Support” to edit Category ACL
Solution - Create create & write operation type ACL with record type & mentioned the below code of snippet in Script :
var answer;
if(gs.getUser().isMemberOf('ACME Support')) {
answer=true; }
else {
answer=false; }
What is ACL evaluation process ?
An ACL rule only grants a user access to an object if the user meets all of the permissions required by the matching ACL rule.
The condition must evaluate to true.
The script must evaluate to true or return an answer variable with the value of true.
The user must have roles from the required roles list.
The matching table-level and field-level ACL rules must both evaluate to true.
Record ACL rules are processed in the following order:
Match the object against table ACL rules.
Match the object against field ACL rules.
A user must pass both table and field ACL rules to access a record object.
If a user fails a table ACL rule, the user is denied access to all fields in the table, even if the user passes a field ACL rule.
If a user passes a table ACL rule, but fails a field ACL rule, the user cannot access the field described by the field ACL rule.
Table ACL rules
The user must first pass the table ACL rule. Since the base system includes STAR (*) table ACL rules that match every table, the user must always pass at least one table ACL rule.
Table ACL rules are processed in the following order:
Match the table name. For example, incident.
Match the parent table name. For example, task.
Match any table name (*). For example, *. If a user fails all table ACL rules, the user cannot access the fields in any table. If a user passes a table ACL rule, the system then evaluates the field ACL rules.
Field ACL rules
After a user passes a table ACL rule, field ACL rules are processed in the following order:
Match the table and field name. For example, incident.number.
Match the parent table and field name. For example, task.number.
Match any table (*) and field name. For example, *.number.
Match the table and any field (*). For example, incident.*.
Match the parent table and any field (*). For example, task.*.
Match any table (*) and any field (*). For example, *.*.
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